
Trauma Unveiled: The Road to Healing and Resilience

In your journey through life, you encounter moments that profoundly shape you, and while some of these moments are joyful, uplifting and exciting, others leave you grappling with the aftermath of pain and distress. Trauma does not discriminate, and it affects people of every age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

It is difficult to manage and work through trauma by yourself and it is important to seek help in order to grow and recover effectively.

Understanding trauma

A traumatic experience involves a threat to your physical or emotional well-being and can bring about feelings of anger, helplessness, terror, lack of control, fear, shame, and they have a way of imprinting themselves on your psyche, altering your perception of the world, yourself, and the people around you.

Trauma arises from multiple facets and can be from a single isolated event, such as accidents, natural disasters, social unrest and violent crime or, it can be the cause of a series of events such the prolonged suffering of abuse or neglect or even a life-threatening health diagnosis like Cancer.

The impact of trauma

Traumatic experiences can overwhelm you and your ability to cope and can thus disrupt your biological, cognitive, and emotional functioning as well as your identity, relationships, and social interactions.

Various factors determine how trauma affects us:

Character/ Personality

Underlying mental health conditions

Previous exposure to the trauma

Characteristics of the trauma

Emotional intelligence

Current stresses


The openness to accepting help and support

Traumatic symptoms can be both psychological and physical, manifesting as anxiety, depression, dissociation, emotional numbness, and physical ailments such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe form of trauma that includes persistent symptoms such as flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

Recognising the symptoms

An increase in intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, detachment, and emotional numbness are all symptoms of trauma and these vary from person to person and have specific triggers.

Avoiding places, events, or objects that remind you of your trauma is also a symptom that may cause you to change your routine.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which develops from trauma, may also present itself with depression, substance abuse, and even anxiety disorders.

It is crucial to pay attention to these signs and seek support when needed.

Managing trauma

Managing trauma involves finding healthy ways to cope with difficult emotions and regain a sense of control over your life.

Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as yoga and maintain healthy behaviours which include healthy eating and exercise as this helps you cope with the excessive stress.

Establish, reestablish, and maintain routines that help you stay in control of your life, such as a routine for meals, exercise and sleep.

Do not self-medicate and stay connected, to the people who care for you, or to your social circle, or to your community, just stay connected!

Self-care is essential during this process, so be sure to prioritize activities that bring you joy and comfort.

Healing from trauma

Therapy, support groups, and other forms of professional help can provide valuable tools and insights for navigating the healing process.

Communicating your experience, whether it is to a friend, a support group, a trusted family member, a journal, or even creatively through a drawing or any other form of art will help you process the traumatic experience.

Coherence therapy focuses on traumatic experiences as unfixed and changeable and helps you rewire your neural pathways and create new adaptive thinking, feeling, and behavioural patterns.

Psychotherapy includes various treatment techniques, that include Exposure therapy and Cognitive restructuring. Exposure therapy is a process of gradually exposing you, safely, to your trauma and its triggers.

Cognitive restructuring helps you to make sense of that traumatic event.

Psychotherapy includes various treatment techniques, that include Exposure therapy and Cognitive restructuring. Exposure therapy is a process of gradually exposing you, safely, to your trauma and its triggers.

Healing from trauma is a journey that requires patience, courage, and perseverance. It's not a linear path, and there may be setbacks along the way so allow yourself time to adjust. With the right support and resources, it is possible to reclaim your life and find a sense of peace and wholeness.

Post-traumatic growth.

Negative experiences can inspire positive change in various aspects of your life, including personal strength, spiritual growth, and improved relationships. The growth and development you experience are profound and stem from a deep place within yourself, leading to beneficial changes in your life.

This growth can be aided in 5 ways mentioned below:

1. Education:

Trauma disrupts your core belief system forcing you to reconsider your values and rebuild your identity. Learning and understanding this truth is crucial and seeking knowledge challenges assumptions previously overlooked. This can foster self-compassion and acceptance without limitations. Recognise your potential to bring about positive change not only in your own life but in others as well. This can inspire innovation and efficiency.

2. Emotional regulation:

To facilitate the learning process you need to manage the  negative emotions like anxiety, guilt, and anger by redirecting your thoughts and feelings to successes and possibilities. Physical exercise, meditation, and communication help regulate your emotions.

3. Disclosure:

Discussing your trauma  and its effects, both minor and major, turns debilitation thoughts into productive reflections. Negative experiences enhance life appreciation which in turn settles your mind and heart. In a gathering, sharing your experience fosters understanding and collective resilience.

4. Narrative development:

Create and authentic narrative about your trauma and your life afterward as this enables acceptance of the past and envisions a meaningful future. Reflect on your life and consider how your trauma has shifted your priorities and perhaps even opened new opportunities. Look for examples of individuals and organisations that have emerged stronger from crises and use these as your hope and inspiration for your own narrative.

5. Service:

Doing work that benefits, helps and uplifts others will help additionally help you recover from your story. This can also be done by contributing time and effort to relief efforts which can also lead to growth. Expressing gratitude and showing compassion is equally valuable.

It is important to recognize that trauma is not a sign of weakness but a natural response to overwhelming experiences.

You are not defined by your past experiences, and you have the power to create a brighter future for yourself. Reach out for support, whether it’s from a trusted friend, a therapist, or a support group. You deserve to heal, and you are worthy of love and compassion. With courage, determination and support, healing becomes possible. Healing is not a destination but a journey, and you are not alone on this path.

In the words of Joel Mcsean Chipili “ There is hope, there is healing and there is strength in vulnerability. Embrace the unpredictability of life and know that you are capable of overcoming whatever obstacles come your way.”

This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical/financial advice. Please consult with a healthcare/financial professional for personalised guidance. 


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We’re moving! Platinum Life is thrilled to announce that our new Corporate Head Office address will be 21 on 9th Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, as from the 1st of May 2025.
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